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Friday, December 21, 2012

Caleb's Crossing: Discussion 12/19/21

An engrossing good read that brought you on a crossing to another time.  Or an engrossing good read that seemed more  like a novel for young adults.  Opinions differed about how successful the author was at pulling you in emotionally and there lay the split. Yet all continued reading.

Bethia's plot driven life story and crossing dominated instead of the historical Caleb's  crossing. Too difficult to get into the head of a young Wampanoag boy turned scholar of classics?  The life story of Bethia,  the fictitious character, seemed too contrived--too shallow--to be believable.  Her voice stayed that of a young girl, even though she is looking back as an older woman. The best developed "characters" to some were the places--especially Martha's Vineyard.

Those who didn't feel that positive about the book and  who read other Geraldine Brooks' works; i.e., March, Year of Wonders, and People of the Book, were surprised and felt that this was the weakest of her novels.

Oh by the way:

We are proud that one of our members is a direct descendant of John and Priscilla Alden, despite their poor showing in this novel. (Taliban of the 1670s as the sponsor mentioned.)

And we had our first grab bag of gently read books...I got Swamplandia.  Not a great review, but I am looking forward to reading it!

 Members: Send me your book title  and I will  link them to a review.

Thursday, December 6, 2012