A thought: Meet for dinner before the next meeting to chat with the sponsor? We aren't ready to give up the challenge. K. Are you up for this?
What was (mostly) agreed upon...
The sections on loss of a life partner were brilliantly done and probably the best part of the book.
The book cannot be read once straight through and be fully understood; much as the author claims is true for all literature as it is true for music and other works of art.
Being in the lecture hall hearing the "book" would have made it more understandable.
A lot of the references were made to books that we have read in the group.
{Let's read, reread a classic every year...Oliver Twist?}
Love that the author played with words including the title "Artful." {Artful Dodger}
And the cover photo is not of the author, but of a Greek actor referenced in the book. AHA!
This book made for a good discussion due to variety of and strength of reactions to it.
KK, sponsor, response:
KK, sponsor, response:
“Although I would love to have dinner as suggested, I usually have clients just before book group so I can't do it. I can say that I too was challenged by her intellectual and academic references (I was probably familiar with about half the materials she referenced) but I found it fun and stimulating. I loved the ghost!
Anyway, I was really bummed to miss out on the discussion because I suspected the discussion generated by the lectures was integral to the experience of reading the book; and it sounds like this is exactly what happened; I just wasn't there share in the experience!”